32.195KM or 10KM journey in Wong To Yick Wood Lock Ointment HONG KONG STREETATHON 2020

Basic information of category 32.195km

Race Distance : 32.195km

Race Date: 12 January 2020 (Sunday)

Registration Date: 12noon, 16 September 2019 (Monday)

Price: HK$428

Start Point: Island Eastern Corridor (Near Victoria Center)

Drop Bag Location: Island Eastern Corridor (Near Start Point)

Finish Point: San Shan Road near To Kwa Wan Recreation Ground

Bag Pick Up Location: To Kwa Wan Recreation Ground

Time Limit: 4 hours and 30 minutes

*In order to release the closed roads on time, there are 3 cut-off points along the race route. Those are the entrance of Eastern Harbour Crossing (HK side), Kwun Tong Bypass and Kai Fuk Road. Runners will be requested to leave the route and get on the shuttle bus arranged by the organizer and go to the finish point if they could not get passed it before the cut-off time. (The location of cut-off points may have slight variations because of operational consideration. Please pay attention to e-runner guide for more details and the final arrangement.)

Elite Group and Challenge Group

Race Category

Elite group of 32.195km

Challenge group of 32.195km

Age Requirement: Age 16 – 75 (as at the event day)

Start Time: 5:15am / 5:45am

Opening time of Drop Bag area: 4am to 5am / 4:30am to 5:30am

Opening time of Start area: 4:15am / 4:45am

Cut-off time of Start point: 5:25am / 5:55am


Champion, 1st runner-up and
2nd runner-up for each gender age group and corporate club.

Not available for awards.

*Youth ~ Age 16-19、Junior ~ Age 20-34、Senior ~ Age 35-44、Master ~ Age 45-75 (Age is counted based on event day)